Meet the Team

Erika Bester (Partner)

Erika is a dedicated attorney, mediator and arbitrator who specializes in labour law whilst keeping updated with developments in ancillary fields of law. She has an outstanding reputation for solving problems and delivering high quality services to her clients. The ability to meticulously strategize combined with diligence and passion, allows her clients, from big corporations to any individual, to entrust their interests, business or personal concerns to her with confidence.


Erika obtained BLC-degree at the University of Pretoria (UP) in 1988 and her B.Proc at the University of South Africa (UNISA) in 1991. Her post-graduate qualifications include:
  • A Diploma in Labour Law (Rand Afrikaans University)
  • A Diploma in Alternative Dispute Resolution (Cum Laude) (University of Pretoria and SA Arbitration Foundation)
    • Labour Arbitration
    • International Arbitration
    • Mediation
    • Negotiation
Various certifications in related fields of the law, such as:
  • Labour Relations Development (UNISA: School for Business Leadership)
  • Advanced Corporate and Securities law (UNISA: Centre for Business Law)
  • Uniform Intellectual Property Law UNISA: Centre for Business Law and WIPO (Worldwide Academy: World Intellectual Property Organization)
    • Copyright Law
    • Patent Law
    • Competition Law
    • Trademark Law
CCMA Accreditation: Commission of Conciliation, Mediation, and Arbitration (CCMA)
  • Substantive Law
  • Jurisdictional Rulings
  • Conciliations
  • Arbitration I & II
  • Managing Dismissal Disputes

Related Experience

With 30 years’ experience in the field, Erika is able to handle labour related matters at any level, including aspects such as:

  • Restructuring
  • Negotiation
  • Disciplinary – and Performance issues
  • Drafting (agreements, policies, pleadings, awards etc)
  • Litigation (CCMA, Labour -, Labour Appeal – and Constitutional Court)

As a Tokiso panelist as well as in her capacity as attorney, she has extensive experience acting as Chairperson, Mediator or Arbitrator, both privately as well as for various Bargaining Councils. Erika has had the privilege of acting as a Judge in the Labour Court. She has also founded a training company which provides customized and/or accredited training relating to labour relations, where she shares her experience.

Jan Rhoodie (Partner)


Jan obtained his BLC (Law) degree from the University of Pretoria in 1986.  He obtained additional majors in Political Science and International Politics.  During 1989 he also completed his training as Diplomat whilst at the Department of Foreign Affairs and later served a tour of duty in the South African Embassy in Spain.He obtained his LLB in 1994 from the University of Pretoria with majors in Law of Nations, Constitutional Law, Public Law and Human Rights.In 2001 he successfully completed a one-year Diploma in Advanced Labour Law at the University of Pretoria.

Related Experience

Since 1995 Jan has been extensively involved with labour law and industrial relations matters as a consultant and as practicing attorney.  He performed consultation work and acted as Human Resource Manager for various companies and has performed these tasks in all provinces of the country.Jan has experience in a broad range of industrial relations and labour law matters, ranging from the drafting of workplace documentation / employment contracts, negotiations, union affairs, CCMA disputes, personnel training, disciplinary hearings, mediation and conflict resolution.  Jan also regularly appears in Arbitrations, as well as in the Labour Court.   He is an accredited trainer at the Services Seta and has presented numerous training sessions across the country.

Pierre van der Merwe (Senior Associate)


Pierre obtained his B.Proc degree from the University of South Africa in 2001.Obtained his LLM in Labour Law from the University of South Africa in 2003, with majors in Advanced Individual and Collective Labour Law and Commercial Contracts.

Related Experience

Pierre commenced his article clerkship in the Litigation Department of Symington & De Kock Attorneys and completed same in the general practice of Phillip van der Merwe & Partners Incorporated.  He acquired experience and skills in a broad range of general and commercial practice.  He was later appointed Professional Assistant and Director of the firm’s Criminal and Civil Litigation Department.In 2004 he relocated to Pretoria where he joined the commercial and litigation department of Jacobs and Partners Attorneys.  There he gained solid experience in High Court Litigation and Commercial work, including contracts and industrial relations.  In 2005 he commenced practice as a Professional Assistant with Bester & Rhoodie Attorneys.  Pierre has experience in Labour Law and related matters, ranging from the drafting of employment contracts and Disciplinary Codes, attending CCMA and Bargaining Council disputes and chairing disciplinary hearings

Thulani Masombuka (Paralegal / Clerk)


Thulani Completed his National Diploma in Legal Assistance at the Tshwane University of Technology (TUT) in 2019, and he is currently studying for a Degree in Bachelor of Laws (LLB) through UNISA.

He joined Bester and Rhoodie Attorneys in February 2021, and he is amongst others responsible for the following:

  • General office Administrative Support, such as preparing and managing both office and court files, liaising with clients, and any other office related duties.
  • Draft legal documents at the instructions and supervision by Attorneys, travelling to various courts and sheriff offices to issue court processes, file etc.


  • United Association of South Africa (UASA)
  • Enviroserv Holdings Ltd
  • CSG Holdings  Ltd (Group of Companies)
  • WAD Investments (Pty) LTD
  • Bondev Developments (Pty) LTD
  • Mineworkers Investment Company (MIC)
  • Midstream / Midfield Home Owners Association
  • Romans Pizza Holding (Pty) LTD
  • Tribeca Coffee Company (Pty) LTD
  • Equity Pharmaceuticals (Pty) LTD
  • Court Classique Hotel
  • CSG Holdings
  • Ocean Breeze